Description : General problems faced by the card machine .
Unable to connect card terminal ??
1 . Identify whether the card machine type is '"PAX" or "Tripos" ( in admin > general settings )
If its "'PAX" machine card type , follow trouble shoot steps as below .
Note : Make sure that the card machine terminal is properly connected to POS system.
Step 1 :
- Open command prompt > Ping the PAX system machine and check if it is connecting (ping -t <PAXIPADDRESS>) , IP can be found here : (Admin > Devices & Locations > Edit Register > see Pax IP address) or by pressing F12 on the POS screen and seeing the console
- If device is responding to a Ping but not working from POS Then unplug and replug the Pax Machine.
=== Check again , if not working then proceed ====
Step 2 : Check the IP address of the card machine .
If IP address is dynamic (changing every run time ) make static .
Steps to make IP address static :
Using a static IP address on your PAX payment terminal device
If the IP address assigned to your PAX device changes, you will need to update the IP address in your Payment Device settings before the point of sale will be able to communicate with the device again. To prevent this from happening, you can setup the device to use a static IP. Here is how:
- Press Menu or "FUNC" and "1" at the same time
- Enter your password (default password is the current date in MMDDYYYY format)
- Scroll down 1 page and press "2. Communication"
- Enter your password again
- Scroll down 1 page and press "3. LAN Parameters"
- Press "1. Lan Type"
- Press "2. Static"
- Go back to the home screen by using the back button on the screen several times.
- Go back into Lan Type and verify DHCP is selected before proceeding.
- Go back to the home screen by using the back button on the screen several times.
Step 3 : If it is static make sure the same IP adress is used in Bottle POS application in the given registered is same ;
Login as Admin > Devices and Locations > protocol > should be HTTPS >PAX IP same as in machine .(screen shot for reference)
Step 4 :
Check the internet status from the PAX machine .
Below are the steps to ping PAX machine.
1) Press the Menu option (If this fails, hold the blue “FUNC” button and press the 1 key) on the PAX unit’s screen.
(The Default Password is today’s date in MMDDYYYY format. If this is not the correct password ask your provider.)
2) Press the on-screen Down Arrow from the main menu to view the second page of options and select the Communication option.
3) Press the Down Arrow from the Communication Options to view the second page of options and select the Lan Parameters option.
4) Press the Down Arrow from the LAN Parameters Options to view the second page and select Ping.
5) When prompted with “” Press the
green key.
6) If the device returns “PING OK” (Please see the picture to the right), the PAX S300 is successfully connected to the internet.
If it does not ping, please check your Ethernet cable to make sure it is plugged in correctly and try again.