BottlePos Change Log

BottlePos Change Log

BottlePos Change Log 

Version 3.1 (March 2022)




  • Added a "Restart Pax Machine" button on the settings section on POS.

  • Added Button for "Close Batch Pax Machine" on the settings section on POS.

  • On the Error Connection dialog box showing "Troubleshoot" Button. When pressed then Reboot the Pax machine and wait until Pax Initialization call is successful, , if the initialization call fails, then showing a dialog box "Please Manually Power Cycle the Card machine and Relogin".

  • Showing the POS is Online, Backup offline sales at right bottom 

  • Showing the Offline # of sales on POS 

  • Excluded the Delivery, Tips, Service items from loyalty points.

  • Set update pos when promotions are updated


  • In the receive section added a select all option and print label option.

  • In bulk update dialog added a select all option and remove option. 

  • Added note field to receive the section

  • Added weekly wise interval to promotions

  • Print label button added on multiple packs items, to print the price of the multiple qty.

  • Also add a promotion template label printing option.

  • Export button on Details Tab in Stock History added.

Customer SMS Marketing 

  • On the Customers add Advanced Search: In Advance search, can search for customers based on diff criteria of their purchase history, for instance, all the customers who bought a WINE Category item in the last 6 months, or all the customers who had over $100 transaction in the last 6 months. etc

  • Can add a Group and add multiple customers 

  •  The user can select the group/ customer and send a Text Message to the Group/customers using Twillo's API

  • Added the “SMS & Email Promotions” option on customer add/edit and when it is enabled then business owners can send the Text Message to that customer’s mobile #. 

  • .The customer disable for “SMS & Email Promotions”  can be added to the group or receive the Text Message


  • Export & Import option added to receive invoice.

  • Reset the datatable search on invoice open

  • Locking the invoice when it's opened by someone and if someone tries to open it from another device it gives a warning dialog box "Invoice is already opened on another device, you will override their changes, Do you want to continue? “.

  • On "Save for Later" and  "Finalize" on the are you sure dialog box checking the server-side and then show if there is going to be a number of items that will be added, updated and deleted Do you want to Continue? 

Transfer Reports

  • Added the Transfer report

  • The columns on Transfer report are Item Name, Category, Transfer From, Transfer To, Created, Invoice Total, Invoice Number, Quantity, Price, Cost, Total Cost

  • Added the filter Group By Item, Category, Invoice

General Setting

  • In general settings under Pax added a Check box for Custom Tips with three input box for amount of % ( example 10% , 20%, 30%).


  • Showing supplier order total on the Export PDF and CSV file.

  • Adjusted the size of the product search dialog box to not cover the headers of the table.

  • Added the Last sold, Rank,  Sales stats and # of days Supply on the dialog box.

Bugs Fixed

  • When we cancel a transaction midway in partial payment and print a receipt. It doesn't say it was canceled.

  • Fixed the null of Return/Exchange issue on the summary report.

  • Fixed the Register report issue where it was auto reset at midnight (00:00).

  • Fixed the issue where the Total Tendered was not matched with the Total Register amount on day report.

  • On the Compare report, the Amount column was not showing the $ difference between Compare 1 and Compare 2 instead it was showing some kind of %.

  • Fixed the issue where the Duplicate card was charged to the customer.

  • Fixed the promotion issue on pos where when it is applied on item and item reached minimum price but promotion name was not showing.

  • When entering the product name, the first and sometimes the last letter get removed on transfer.

  • When transferring an item - when it asks for item details, if the customer is entering less bottles than a case then it does not automatically make the transfer case 0.

  • When adding a New item from the receive section and double clicking the "Save" button then it adds the item twice in the receive section. 

  • On Save for later and reopen the frontend sometime shows the same item duplicates ( after doing a refresh on the browser it goes)

  • Edited item name was not showing in Sales Report 

  • This item shows the units per case at 24. The user had already fixed units per case in the item a long time ago.

  • In customers->item history, when clicking the short QTY section it doesn't show all entries.

  • The Scan item was broken in the Transfer module.

  • On the edit promotions page when you select items to be added to the promotion and go to the next page to select more items to add to promotions, the items on the first page get unselected automatically. 

  • Monthly projections calculation showing wrong.

  • Fixed the issue where it shows an error when importing offline sales.

Version 3.0.3 (Jan 2022)




  • The  "Recall" & "Suspend" option can enable or disable from the POS settings in admin.

  • “Close register" popup added when trying to logout the POS.  

  • Added view and edit permissions of section to User profile.

  • Showing the count of pending weborder on the post. On clicking it redirects to the POS tab and shows the incomplete web orders. If Web settings on admin is enabled then the count will not show.

  • The edit item from the POS has been modifier, Now the user can edit the item from the POS if enabled with the edit permission. If the user does not have the permission then it will as before with limited fields.

  • On the Yes, No alert when scanning the item, then hitting the not button automatically, closing the alert and adding the item to POS.

Addition Fees

  • On the Item, under option showing a drop down to select additional fee. Multiple fees can be selected.

  • On the POS added an Additional Fees line item that showed any fees that are on any of the items.

  • On the receipt printing all the fees by using their Name 


  • When paying with a card on pax then, a custom tip field is added on the pax.

  • The tip amount print on the receipt

  • The given tip amount shown on the Register and Day Report.

DoorDash Integration

  • After weborder checkout is complete then showing a button to "Call DoorDash Pickup". If the weborder is delivery type and Doordash as delivery method is selected.

  • When the web order is completed by selecting DoorDash then the Dasher tab for the current status is added on the sale details.

  • On the POS side check box for Delivery Pickup with Preferred provider.

Sale Reports

  • The default visible column can be set from the General setting in admin. By default those selected columns show on the sales report.


  • A task feature has been added to the system, The task can be added from the admin section and will show on the POS. The cashier can complete the task and the data will be saved on the task history page.

  • There are 2 types of task 1. Alert 2. Checklist type.

  •  The task can be created for 1 day, Hourly, Weekly or Monthly. 

  • The email field is given to get the email notification when the task is updated.

  • The count for the pending tasks has been added on the Tasks icon in POS.

  • Task list export and import functionality.

Customer Screen

  • The text red color changed to green color.

Auto Print label

  • The item label can auto print on price change on the POS. For this in admin > Pos settings, added the  option " Enable Label Print On Price Changes"  

  • If this option and remove printing enable on POS then the label will print on item price change. 

Edit Item

  • The item can be edited from the options icon on POS.0 

  • Permission on the admin Staff added at the user level to allow Item Edit from POS.

  • The item can be edited in online mode only. In offline mode System will show a message that is "Cannot Edit Item While System is Offline".

  • The no sale count showing on the Summary Reports

IP Camera Integration

  • In the device register settings added options for Camera Type "None" and "Reolink".

  • If reolink is selected then showing the option for IP/ Protocol / Username / Password , If none doesn't show anything

  • On the POS Screen added Tab for Playback button on the transaction details. If the transaction is not a Weborder in order state, showing the playback button if Camera Type is not None for that register.

  • In the User permission in Staff & Admins added a permission to "Allow Playback" ,if checked the the playback button appear 

  • Upon Click of the Playback, video show with the time frame on " Sale DT - 1 min" enddate = "Sale DT + 3min" 


  • Added the EBT button in the item row. The EBT item can be sold with an EBT sales button or Dynamic EBT enabled Tendered button on POS. 

  • Showing the EBT total on the POS and Checkout screen

  • If the cashier does the partial payment with another mode then the EBT button will disable. The cashier can do the EBT sale first and then can use another payment mode for the sale payment. The EBT total will be deducted from the sale total after paying with EBT sales or EBT enabled custom tendered.


  • The cashier can refund the individual item from the sold items and the calculation will count based on the applied promotion, discount etc.  


  • The prompt for the qty feature has been enhanced. The user can choose any modifier to  prompt on POS.

  • Added pagination on assistant page

  • The referral link “Earn $500 for Referral” added on top header in admin. It will show after 60 days from the first sale transaction.

  • The scan data program has been upgraded for the Altria 3.0.0 


  • The “EBT Eligible” option is added to the item so the manager can enable any particular item as EBT

  • The “ Allow EBT” option is added at category level. Items comes under EBT enabled Category will consider as EBT items on POS

  • In the Accounting settings added the “Default EBT Tax” option. The enabled default tax will apply to the EBT items on POS.

  • In the general setting added the “EBT Enable” check box for the customer Tender. 


  • Price change on POS shown on the summary report.

  • Canceled transaction shown on the summary report.


  • “Prompt For Tips” checkbox added on the General setting for Pax. If selected then a custom tip field shown on the pax when going to pay with a card.

  • The given Tip amount shown on the summary report.

  • The given tip amount shown on the sale invoice.

Addition Fees

  • On the Accounting Settings added a section for additional fees which takes , Fee Name , Fee Amount 

  • On the Item, under option showing a drop down to select additional fee. Multiple fees can be selected.

  • Applied addition fee shown on the summary report and day report.. 

Modification Report

  • The modification report has been updated for any any change to Supplier, category , tasks, items

  • On the POS screen Any type of price changes or cancels transactions . 

Granular controls

  • Grouped the POS permission on Staff & Admins.

  • Remove Items From Tran.

  • Allow Playback

  • Refund Transaction

  • Apply Discount

  • Allow Exchange/Refund

  • Allow Edit Item

  • Allow Add Item


  • Added none option to Category and Supplier on advance search

  • Added Case Cost to the Item

  • Added the modifier, bottle deposit, prompt for qty, category group columns to the export csv file.


  • Added option “Any” in promotion that means any customer is eligible for the promotion.

Accounting Setting

  • The Bottle Deposit Return field made editable and saved amount will show on POS.

General Settings

  • Added a Checkbox for "Prompt for Tips". By default it is not checked.

DoorDash Integration

  • Added the Delivery Providers Drop down (DoorDash, First provider) on the web settings.

  • When it's selected, showing the appropriate fields such as API key etc.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the session issue where if a user logged into one store and then got logged into another store when hit the store url on the browser.

  • The most recent order is set to shown on top on the order page.

  • When converting the order to receive then the old cost was not showing with strikethrough it.

  • Receive view by items, view by supplier was not working.

  • When "Add Another Item" was marked and item added and closed the popup. Now try to add an item to the name and "Add Another Item" was not reset.

  • The item sales tab was missing on the Receive, Order, Transfer.

  • Total Amount was not showing in CSV file in Orders

  • Fixed the issue where the invoice was not getting marked.

  • Fix the sorting issue on the invoice listing.

  • Changed the Multiple Code dialog box, to only show if there are multiple diff items not if the code is assigned to the same item.

  • Fixed the position issue of Total and Grand total on the Transfer module.

  • The sale amount upto 8 digits was not fully shown on the checkout screen on POS.

  • Fixed the scroll issue on the Sale report in mobile view.

  • Fixed the compare report bugs

  • Fixed the Sql error that shows when category ID and Supplier ID is null.

  • Fixed the day report issue where the Hits count was not matching customers count.

  • Fixed the invoice issue where it shows in red color even if total cost and invoice total is the same. 

  • Permission issue on tasklist is fixed.

  • Items -ve value was not showing on the pay button.

  • Advance search by rank a was not working properly.

  • Fixed the price modifier auto calculator issue. 

  • The supplier Name issue with Dymo Label printer.

  • Fixed the issue “hasownproperty” that showed in the console on POS.


Version 2.9.9 (Oct 2021 )
  • Features


    • Add rounding to summary report, day report and register report pos side.

    • Modified the partial payment with pax machine on POS.

    Scan Data Program

    • The new feature has been added to the system “Scan Data Program”. 

    • Added two companies ITG and MSA and when the company is selected then generates the sales csv file for the selected company based on the sales.

    • On the promotion new checkbox “Scan Data Promotion” is added. The Checked promotion is considered as promotion for Scan Data Program and unchecked promotion as "Outlet Multi-Pack”.

    • The new report type “Scan Data Program” is added.

    Dashboard Mobile>Edit item

    • The Qty on item on edit item can be increased by using one of the provided options “Increase”, “Decrease”, “Set To”.

    • Click the edit icon to open the dialog where you can choose one of above options to update the qty on hand.


    • The coupon sale is showing on the Summary and Day report. The coupon sale is considered a negative sale.

    • Showing the new tendered on the Summary Report

    • Added the CSV export to modification report and can show up to 1000 records per page.

    • Added rounding to summary report

    • Added a Markup column to the Receive Reports

    • On the day the Items with Category of None are shown under Manual Entry, now will show up under "None" Category , Only items with "Manual Entry" type will be shown under that category.

    Items> History

    • Added the new tab “Item sale” on the item history dialog where we are showing the item details which sold on the pos.

    Items> Duplicate barcode.

    • Implemented the new feature when the item barcode can be used in another item, in other word duplicate barcode can be used. 

    • To allow the duplicate barcode check is added on the General Settings "Allow Duplicate Barcode". When it is marked then the duplicate barcode is allowed to be used throughout the website.

    • When there are multiple items with the same barcode, then listing those items on popup on POS and admin side.


    • Added item type to the advanced search dialog.

    • The item can be searched by type.

    • New item type “Coupon” added.

    • Added a new checkbox for the “Hide Inventory" option. When it is marked then qty on hand does not show up for that item while searching on POS.

    Items> Bulk update

    • Added a new feature Advance search where the search can be made using specific field data using the advanced search.

    • Item type and Bottle deposit additional option added to the search bar on bulk update page.

    • The new feature Advance update is added to update the item field. The fields those can be updated using advance update are Bottle Deposit, Category, Cost, Close Out Item, Default Qty, Do Not Auto Update, Do Not Discount, Do Not Track Inventory, Item Type, Minimum Price, Notes, Price, Rank, Remind Date, Reorder Point, Reaper Value, Show To Webstore, SKU, Size, Supplier, Tax, Tags, Unit Per Case, Vendor Item No, Vendor Name, Hide Inventory, Prompt for qty.

    • The checkbox “Round Price 9th Cent” added when Price is selected to update on Advance Update. The Price is set to the 9th cent if the checkbox is marked.

    • Added none option for category and supplier dropdown on the advance search on the bulk update

    POS and POS Sales

    • Implemented the email receipt functionality on the POS and admin side for sales.

    • When the customer number is used on POS that stored an email and completes the sale on POS then the sales invoice drnf to their email address. The “Email Receipt” should be enabled to send the receipt to the email address.

    • The invoice can be sent from the POS Sale module on the admin sale as well.

    • Showing the BottlePos Customer # and Support # at the bottom of POS.

    • Eliminate the download file popup  which is displayed when selecting the WebPrint ESCP printer on POS and add the file download option under the Utilities in admin.

    • Changes the green to yellow warning icon on the card/ debit card partial payment approval message.

    • The Debit card, Ebt sale partial payment flow is enhanced.


    • Added a Due date to the Receive section. It is an optional field.

    • Make the finalized invoice read only.

    • Added a confirmation before finalizing the invoice.

    • Added the Price, Margin and Markup field on the item details popup.

    • Added a confirm alert on click x icon to close the receive.

    • Modified the vendor item no search and showed the matching items on top.

    • Linked & Switched  items updated to the receive table at the same time.

    • For the existing items changed the icon from link to switch items

    • Removed the link item option for the existing item.

    • On switched the item below value changes

      • Total Cost remain the same from previous item

      • Receive Bottle remain the same if Receive Case = 0 else

      • Receive Case * Unit Per case of the switched item calcauted the receive case


    • Make the finalized transfer read only.

    • Added a confirmation before finalizing the transfer.

    Payout Receipt

    • Updated the payout receipt by adding the name of the user and the register on the payout receipt. Removed the line says “”Thanks for shopping with us on a Payout.”

    Web Setting

    • On Web setting enable, creating an user and password with correct privilege's 

    • Added Sync button 

    • Added Sync script when logging in Bottlezoo 

    • Double scroll issue , only if the edit is enabled on the website show the setting 


    • Added option "Allow Other Stores Reports" , if not checked then not showing the option to drop down multiple stores.

    Bugs Fixed

    • On suspend and recall the sale the value of lotto items becomes 0 and not able to change value of the item.

    • When received the transfer stock then note content was not showing.

    • When adding multi items on pos and trying to remove the 1st item, then the focus set back to the last item.

    • Fixed the issue where the system was not letting me finalize the invoice/ transfer if open and close the non finalize invoice/transfer before that was having a new item.

    • When the lane Id was empty, and if it declined. It was giving an error message and it did not get uploaded to the system. it becomes a failed transaction. 

    • Fixed the issue with House balance where the customer was not not able to pay with a Card. Now it can be paid with any tender type.

    • The print label was not working if the customer had permission to item, receive or transfer module and admin enable the label print option

    • The bottle deposit entries were only shown upto 10.

    • Fixed the incorrect sale stats and inventory stats on the dashboard pie chart

    • The issue with the Debit card partial and full amount refund fixed on pax.

    • On the Order page when “print by the supplier”, the unit per case was undefined on the print.

    • Fixed the camera screen alignment on the Item_1 page

    • Fixed the issue where the latest item added via product scan or search did not always show up at the top in the list below.

    • Fixed the issues which occurred when scan or search the new central DB item code on receive and save for later then that item was added to the system. 

    • Register close report prints in HTML format when employee login has "POS Reports" hide.

    • Bulk update issues are fixed where Categories were not showing in the drop down,Bottle Deposit column is showing even for stores that don't have Bottle Deposit enabled and Advance search doesn't work if we try to find all items with cost of 0.

    • Fixed the issue where the scanned barcode was not added to stockcode field. When “Fast label print” enabled and scanned new items on the add/ edit item dialog.

    • Remove the warning messages shown on some of the pages.

    • Fixed the search issue with first character removal  .

    • The Receive Edit dialog box fixed the margin columns that were editable and arrow keys working now.

    • On the add item dialog box, price, margin, markup column arrow keys are not working 

    • Fixed the refund Bug  that was getting subtracted in NetSale.

    • On mobile for Non-Admin users the Items page was not coming to scan the item from the mobile camera.

    • Fixed the  webprint issue.

    • Logo printing on Day Report, Register report, Payout receipt prints, Refund Requests, Partial Payments

    • When the label is printed in the receive secion and the price is changed before finalizing , it's printing the old price not the price listed in the invoice.

    • Bottlepos deposit return was getting subtracted from the sales.

    • The sql error was shown when trying to merge the items.

    • Declined card drop down was not working on the Sales tab.

    • Loading time for sales gets rid of the end time? If the clock on the local machine is off it doesn't show the latest sales on the Sales tab.

    • Fixed the issue of incorrect calculation in the modifier section.

    • Last item doesn't show up if there are several items in the invoice

    • Fixed the issue with where the Expected Cash was not showing correctly 

    • Issue fixed with the Item that was still coming as New even if the item already exists on receipt.

    • The Sales Tax On Day Report was showing wrong.

    • Fixed the vendor item no search issue where it was not pulled until the item until exact match.

    • Fixed the issue where the Multiple label printing option was not working on the items page. 

    • Fixed the slow Camera issue on mobile for Label printing.

    • Discount Issue on the Invoice is fixed

    • Fixed some transfer module issues.

    • Autoinvoice user name removed from any visible list.

    • The webstore sale detail was not showing on admin>POS sale until it was checked out on pos.

    • The option "Show To Webstore" found an unmark when it was saved while creating a new item on POS.

    • Dashboard was not showing on admin after non admin user logs in/out then admin user logs in

    • Advance search on the bulk update was not working properly


Version 2.9.8 (July 2021 )


Label Printing

  • Now Remote printing can be enabled which allows you to print labels from anywhere you are using admin portal including your mobile phones

  • The label printing setting is renamed to “Enable Remote Label Print”.

  • When it is marked then the Label Print option for items will come, on items, receive and transfer module.

  • Added Fast Label Print on the Mobile Dashboard and Setting on POS side. When it is marked then the camera will stay in open state after scanning the item. It will send the label print command to POS.

Mobile Camera Scanner 

  • The Mobile Camera Scanner is updated to be faster.

Receive and Order

  • Store the data in indexdb for unsaved invoices so it can be retrieved next time.

  • Made the pages mobile friendly.

  • Added a mobile camera icon that can be used to scan the item barcode to add to the list.

  • Made the pages more mobile friendly. 

  • Added option to scan the item on mobile pages.

Report>Day report

  • Improve the speed of generating orders.


  • Added a new option for enabling a House account. The customer can pay the sale with a tendered “house sale” on checkout. The customer can pay the pending balance using the “Pay Balance” button or item name “HOUSE PAY ITEM” on pos.

  • The pending balance shown on the customer details popup on the pos, edit customer page and on the customer ledger history tab on the history popup.

  • You can set up the maximum limit for the house sale for the customer in fied “Max $ Amount Of Balance”.

  • All the details on the credit balance, payment shown on the new “Ledger History” tab on the customer history popup.

  • The invoice on the house account transaction can be generated from the Ledger History popup.

Report>House account report

  • New report “House account report” is added. The balance and payment detail of the house account holder shown here.

Invoice Template

  • Moved the invoice templates to DataBase.

Report>Day Report

  • Highlight the Category Group lines.

  • Replaced the Profit Amount Line % with Margin %.

  • Added a Markup % column.

  • Improve the speed for Yearly reports.


  • Added a checkbox “Exact Search” next to search. when it is checked and does the search, it will look for the name which exactly matches with the search input.


  • Added option “Always Show Shortcuts”. When it is marked then shown permanent on the POS. 

  • Added the lotto items to the pusher and enabled and disable can show/hide the lotto buttons in real time on POS.

  • Sorting the items under categories on the Shortcuts window alphabetical order.

  • Made the Lottos button accessible real time( add pusher to lottos items).

  • Added the numeric keypad on the amount field on Payout dialog.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the cache clearing issue on the POS and admin. Now everytime when I load POS and admin, the latest code from server if server code is different.

  • Fixed the lotto item issue where those were not added to pos when removed and re-enabled the lotto button again.

  • Fixed the item issue where the tags search was showing undefined error

  • Fixed the issue where the “add another item” marked and add the item then data of "Name', "Category" , "Tax", "Size", "Vendor", "Reorder Point", "Reorder Value" , "Location" , "Units Per Case" of the fields was not retained.

  • Fixed the issue where the Online Payout  was showing positive amount Fixed issues with inventory update getting out of sync in some edge cases

  • Fixed the issue where the Running Balance on the house pay report was not correct for the new customer when the first sale amount paid with the House Account then Paid some Balance.

  • Bug fixed when enabling the “fast label print”,  scan the new item, added and scan again same as it was showing the item does not exist.

  • Fixed the table resize issue when the enabled shortcut is there.


  • Added a new type Online Lottery and Online Payout on POS. These buttons show on POS when enabled the option “Enable lotto buttons” on the pos setting in admin side. The Online Lottery and Online Payout have the same name category and group category is lotto.


  • Added the “Starting Cash” on the POS>Reports section. The amount can be set in the field “Default Starting Cash” in the admin>POS Settings.

  • The amount of “Expected Cash” and “Cash Counted” printed on the register report.

  • Shown the "Total Card '' which includes all the cards total, Card, Debit card, EBT, Gift card on day report.

  • Shown all Categories and Categories Group total on the day report.

  • The scroller is added to the Day report.

  • The Starting Cash can be changed on the POS and will stay after changing the tabs.

  • On the POS Payout button sorted the Vendor & Type by Name.

Staff & Admins

  • When all reports “hide'', then a new option is added for "Print Register Report". If checked then on pos the register report can print  if not checked then will not.

Reports>Summary Report

  • The shift dropdown is added. You can choose the shift and reprint the shift report.

Report>Payroll Report

  • Add options to see reports for multiple stores together.

Reports>Expense Report

  •  Added Total and Grand Total to the table.

  • Add Time to the date.


  • New Item Type "Manual Item” is added in the Edit and Add item dialog box.

  • If the item type is Manual then When its ringed up on the POS screen, it creates a separate line for that item, just like the "Add Item" button on the POS.

  • The item type “manual” is added to the shortcut automatically.


  • Added “Column visible” option on the order page and shown list of all the column names in dropdown. Select the column from dropdown to show on the table or unselect to hide it.

Label Print Template

  • Added CardPrice variable.


  • Implemented server side processing.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the report access issue where all reports on POS showed to non access users in some cases.

  • Fixed the issue with print where the selected Electron Print doesn't print the register report on closing the batch.

  • Fixed the alignment of columns on the order page.

  • Fixed the issue where the utilities keep on loading when the user is on this page, go to the other page and click back button on the browser.

  • On the Staff & Admin section, the permissions not showing up in the dialog box. 

  • Receipt issue, Bottle deposit showing incorrectly on the receipt.

  • Receive section duplicate codes issue.

  • The select all working now on Inventory, Categories, Suppliers pages.

  • Shown "Access denied" rather than "Sorry, your credentials are currently not available offline.

  • "Lotto Sale" items with that item type were becoming 0 even when it was defined.

  •  The Void option by default was requiring a password, instead by default hiding the button. 

  • Online lottery button was not working out of the box, it was not creating new items for Online Lotto and Online Lotto Payout.

  • Removed the No template found error message that was coming if there were no templates in label_templates table. 

  • Fixed the issue where the tax was not showing on add item popup on mobile.

Version 2.9.6 


  • The promotion name and the amount/percentage that is off showing below the items on POS, Customer screen, Receipt Print and Sale details page.

  • To manage a stock between two stores, a Transfer module is added. The store owner can choose the store to whom they want to transfer the stocks. You can also manage the stock paid status while finalizing the stock transfer or even after finalized the transfer. 

  • The invoice of stock transfer can be saved for later in case you want to make change later. Once the Transfer if finalized, no more changes can be made.

  • The balance of Paid, Unpaid stock shown on the Transfer module.

  • The items qty decreased by the # of qty transferred to the other store.

  • To Print a Label on pos button “Print Label” button added on POS. It can be enable/disable from settings tab on POS

  • Under settings > Printing > printer option added for Label Print

  • When the “Print Label” Button is pressed a dialog box opens, where you can search the item by name or scan the item. When the item is found in search or scanned successfully then the label is printed right away.

  • The item autocomplete drop down remains opened after printing the label.

  • Introduces a new promotion type “Fixed Item Pricelist”. The special price than regular can be set of the items. The promotion can be worked on individual items or groups of items. You can mark the combo checkbox while adding items to promotion to create a combo items promotion.

  • Allowed the admin to Modify the Clock in time even when the Clock out time is blank.

  • Added the new feature where the order can be exported to receive. The export icon is present on the order page, when clicked, it opens a modal on receive and shows all the items of particular order. You can save as “save for later” and “finalize” to save the order as receive.

  • Auto load the next page in the item auto suggestion dropdown. This feature is implemented on Receive, Order and Transfer Modules. 

  • Added 5 secs sleep and retry on Card attempt failure with Network error.

  • Up to 10 new tenders can add from Settings > General Settings. 

  • New tenders show on the checkout page.

  • Non Cash Adj is included when pay with a new tender on the checkout page.

  • New tendered payment shown on the Reports> tender report and Day Reports. The new tender.

  • Option “Default Time for Reports” is added on the General settings page to set up the default timing of reports.

  • Option added on advance search popup on POS sale page to search with last four digits of Card number

  • Added Payment Type option on advance search popup on POS sale page.

  • Added a feature for Pole display, when item is scanned, item name, its price displayed in line 1 and a grand total in line 2 on pole display. The applied promotion/discount is shown in the first line(item will not show). The grand total already shown on line 2.  When the "Pay" button is pressed then a grand total is displayed on the pole display. 

  • In case no item is scanned then a welcome message will be displayed on Pole display.

  • The “Welcome message”, “No Of Line On Pole” and “Characters Per Line” can be set in Settings on the POS side.

  • The minimum non cash adj amount added. For example, if the transaction is for $1 , the non-cash adj set to 3.49%. So calculation the non-cash adj based of $3.49 would have been $0.3 cents, so total is $1.03 but with the minimum, it will take whichever is higher of the % or the minimum. So, if $0.49 cent is the minimum then the total would have been $1.49

  • When selecting Payment type Card Or Cash, mark option to search for "Only" option that will only search for transactions if those only have one payment, not split payments.

  • Added order Status option on advance search popup on POS sale page.

  • Update the alert message when trying to apply the discount without removing the previous applied discount.

  • Fetching all the orders for the past year when clicking “View All Orders” on the sales tab on POS.

  • Enhance the PAX functionality. A warning “Fraud Warning: Verify Customer Card & ID” will show if the system detects a suspicious payment.

  • Updated the Electron app to ignore certificate errors with url containing port :10009.

  • Auto saved the offline sale on logout. 

  • The new feature of Store has been introduced to the system. Store owners can add multiple stores. 

  • The Margin, Markup, Cost columns added to all sales reports.

  • Added Total and Grand Total at the bottom on all sales reports.

  • On the Summary report page multiple stores summary report shown. Added store dropdown to select to see summary of particular store.

  • Replaced with Pusher

Bugs Fixed

  • Shown the total qty of multiple stock codes in the item auto suggestion dropdown.

  • The item auto suggestion dropdown will remain opened when searching for item and item clicked and hit save on the Order page.

  • Fixed the issue where the Price & Cost of item was not getting updated for non finalized invoices if it was changed in the item section.

  • Fixed the double clicking on Receive edit button results in Duplicate codes.

  • Fixed the Yearly Day Report not loading issue.

  • The Scroll Bar added on user add/edit permissions popup on Staff & Admins page.

  • When Access is set to "Yes" the permission options made clickable.

  • Double clicking on Receive Edit bot results in Duplicate codes.

  • Offline sales are not getting set to sync even after it's getting added. It shows offline.

  • Removed the output for select statement in Console.

  • If a non-admin user logs in it gives an error " You do not have permission to perform this action".

  • Login screen on the POS still gets locked after one failed login attempt.

  • When card is declined and reattempt is done the "Follow the Prompt On terminal" dialog box goes away, it needs to stay on the screen, during the reattempt. Also change the sleep to 5 sec.

  • Authentication Failed message is coming for every offline transaction. 

  • Fixed the issue when using non-cash adjustment , sidecar and other any new tender amounts was not working correctly. 

  • Fixed the issue where the change was not showing on completion of transaction on customer screen.

  • On the Sales report tab in POS transactions showing as per the setting in POS settings.

  • On the item history the records on purchase tab is sorted by newest to old.

  • Removed the zoom icon from the customer screen.

  • Fixed the issue where the tender value was not reflected when changing the register on the summary report page.

  • Fixed the Card decline issue with PAX .

  • Fixed the issue that occurred then when there are several offline sales and after it has been sent to the server it still is not showing up as offline sales and generating several messages. When the "sales" tab is clicked it generates several issues. The data is not getting reflected correctly on the server side

  • Fixed the issue that is when there is an issue with the server, the Electron app is not able to load at all after closing and reopening

  • Fixed the issue where it gets stuck at initializing

  • Fixed the scroll issue on login screen

  • Fixed the Card transactions huge payload size issue. 

  • Fixed the issue where on failed product transfer, if presses “No'' then it was still completed the transfer and finalizes. 

  • Rename the column name "Received Cases " to “Transfer Cases” and "Received Cases " and "Transfer Bottles" 

  • The design issue with the Search bar coming in the next row. 

Version 2.9.3


Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed the issue with wpos_items where it loads down if the indexdb load is not successful.

  • Fixed the issue where  the payload was not sent to the server If writing to offline sales is unsuccessful.

  • Fixed the issue where on the closing item popup, when scan it looked for the item in the central database.

  • Fixed the issue of Cost of item has comma which is causing sale on the POS to result in Sql error.

  • Removed the authentication error “Person must enter in the correct password to login” when the user gets login into POS with the wrong password.

  • Fixed the column design issue on sale report

  • Fixed the issue “Could not look for existing Records” 

  • Fixed where it shown offline sales even if its 1 instead of just showing Pos is Online all the time

  • When Close register is Pressed sync all the offline sales in Indexdb and Local storage

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