Different ways of setting customer screens in the according to the requirements.

Different ways of setting customer screens in the according to the requirements.

Description : One must be able to set different combinations of customer screens . One can set as below steps 

Steps  :   

Login as admin >> Navigate to >> SETTINGS  >> POS settings >> In "customer screen " >> select  "Customer Display Type" and  "POS View Display Type" . 
Below are the screen shots on selecting the  combination of POS  "Customer Display Type" and "POS View Display Type" .

Type 1 : 
On selecting 
"Customer Display Type"  =  "Welcome screen"  
"POS View Display Type" =  " Items Only".


DISPLAY IN POS screen after ringing the item.

DISPLAY IN Customer screen after ringing the item.

On Selecting 
"Customer Display Type"  =  "Welcome Screen"  
"POS View Display Type" =  " Items with slideshow".
"Slide Show Images For POS Screen" = "click and upload images "


DISPLAY IN POS screen after ringing the item.

DISPLAY IN Customer screen after ringing the item(As per the image uploaded , Right side of the screen slideshows the images accordingly.  )

Type 3 :  On Selecting ;
"Customer Display Type"  =  "Welcome Screen"  
"POS View Display Type" =  " Items With fixed Image".
"Slide Show Images For POS Screen" = "Click And Upload Images "
"Items Fixed Image" = "select the fixed image"


DISPLAY IN POS screen after ringing the item.

DISPLAY IN Customer screen after ringing the item.

Type 4 :  On Selecting ;
"Customer Display Type"  =  "Welcome Screen"  
"POS View Display Type" =  " Items With Fixed Image".

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