How to resolve DNS error of credit card machine ?
Description : When there need for configuration changes to be done incase of change in IP address in credit card machine , after the PAX store gets updated with new IP , we need to unplug and re-plug the credit card machine . Later ping the credit card machine and check if machine is pinging , If its displaying DNS error . Follow below steps to resolve the same .
Steps :
1.Press function key >> enter password>> COMMUNICATIONS >> enter password>> LAN PARAMETERS >>LAN type >> Select DHCP and navigate all the way back to main screen (PAX screen)and then perform step 2.
2.Press function key >> enter password >> COMMUNICATIONS >> enter password>> LAN PARAMETERS >> Select ping >> WWW.GOOGLE.COM >>hit ENTER and navigate all the way back to main screen(PAX screen) and then perform step3
3.Press function key >> enter password >> System Settings >> App Management >> enter password>> App Update or unplug and replug the credit card machine for the app to update.
4. Ping the Pin pad IP from the computer to see if the IP is responding, if not Repeat step #2 and #3.
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