Trouble Shooting Receipt Printer Issues and Cash drawer issues .

Trouble Shooting Receipt Printer Issues and Cash drawer issues .

Description :

When printing a report or a receipt, you may find one of the following receipt printer errors:

  • Cash drawer will not open and the receipt printer will not print.
  • Thermal receipt printer prints blank receipts.
  • Receipt printer is cutting the receipt many times before it finishes printing.
  • When displaying or printing a report or receipt the font is very small or compressed.

Here are some troubleshooting steps to get your receipt printer back on track, please see which issue best describes what you are experiencing and follow the provided steps.

To Trouble shoot when Cash drawer does not open and the receipt printer does not print 

The following can cause this issue to occur:

  • Swap the Cables .
  • The printer is unplugged or has no power.
  • The printer status is paused.
  • The print spooling process is damaged.
  • The wrong printer driver has been installed.
  • More than one instance of the printer has been installed.

To verify if issue is resolved, test the printer and cash drawer after each numbered step

To Test the printer from within Point of Sale:

  • Select Documents & Printers and click Print Test Page.
  • To test the cash drawer from within Point of Sale:

Choose File > Preferences > Workstation.
Select Cash Drawer, ensure the Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer Connection are properly configured, and click Open Cash Drawer.

Turn the printer off.

Solution 1 : Swap the printer and cash drawer cables .
  1. Swap the cables , Plug the cables of printer side cable into the cash drawer and cash drawer side cable in to the printer

Solution 2: Purge the printer memory

  1. Press and hold the feed button and turn the printer back on.
  2. When the printer begins its self-test, release the feed button.
  3. Once test completes, attempt to print from within Point of Sale again.

Solution 3: Ensure that the printer has power

Check if the power cord is connected to the printer and there is a power light when switched on. Do not connect the receipt printer to a USB hub as it will not supply enough power for proper function of the printer.

Solution 4: Ensure the printer is not paused

  1. Click the Windows Logo button, choose Control Panel.
  2. Click Devices and Printers, then double-click the receipt printer.
  3. Select X documents in queue, then choose Printer > Cancel All Documents. Click Yes to confirm the action.
  4. Click the Printer menu again, if Pause Printing is checked, click Pause Printing.
  5. Close this window and test the cash drawer function. If it fails, continue to the next step.

Solution 5: Bypass the print spooling process

  1. In the Devices and Printers window, from the Control Panel, right-click the receipt printer, then Printer Properties.
  2. Click on the Advanced tab, then Print directly to the printer.
  3. Click OK and test the cash drawer function. If it fails, continue to the next step.

Solution 6: Remove and reinstall the printer

  1. In the Devices and Printers window, right-click the receipt printer, then Remove device. Click Yes to confirm the action.
  2. Repeat this process for additional copies of the printer that may be installed.
  3. To Reinstall receipt printer create a generic drive > go to '"Printer that I want isn't listed" >select add a local printer or network printer with manual settings > use next select existing port > select generic >generic text only >Finish.
  4. Use the same printer in bottle POS APP ,go to settings >printing >connection and select generic text only .

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