Router Change PAX machine configuration Procedure

Router Change PAX machine configuration Procedure

When customer is calling after router has changed or somehow their IP addresses in the network has changed. This Steps will help reconfigure the PAX machine with the correct IP address.

Ask if both the Pin Pad and Computer are on the same network 
Pin Pad 

change LAN TYPE to DHCP from Static 

press function key Password: 1010


Press 6 communication


 again put the password :1010

Press 8 Lan Parameters 

press 1 and change to DHCP 

step: 6
press "X" and go back to  Lan Parameters

 press 2 and get IP Address 

Use IP ADDRESS from Pin Pad 


Computer system 
Open terminal and "ping"

Its pinging so Pin Pad and computer are on the same network. If it doesn't ping then they're not on the same router. 

Use "ipconfig" to get  New "IP Address, subnet mask and gateway"
Use that New IP  in PAX to set a new Parameter variables  and push the file 


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